A user asked for information on upgrading to version 9 of ControlUp, specifically any issues or preparations that should be considered. A colleague shared the need to check for occupied port 443 on the Monitor VM and provided a list of new ports and URLs utilized in this version at https://support.controlup.com/docs/90-communication-ports-and-urls.
Read the entire ‘Upgrading to ControlUp Version 9: Tips and Considerations’ thread below:
starting to look at the upgrade to v 9. is there any gotchs with that i should know about it? anything new that should be done in advance otter than agents needing .net 4.8
we do use a few new ports / URL’s in v9 – https://support.controlup.com/docs/90-communication-ports-and-urls
and, the Monitor process will start listening on port 443, so need to make sure this port is not occupied on the Monitor VM
thanks @member
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