A discussion was held about using the DEX API to pull VDI data from multiple organizations to display in Grafana. An API reference was shared and the need for an API key for each org was clarified. The user is working on a project to monitor the end user impact of changes and improvements to infrastructure. The MSP dashboard is still in development and the user is new to using APIs. The discussion took place in the #controlup channel.
Read the entire ‘Using DEX API to Monitor Multiple VDI Organizations’ thread below:
DEX API requests. Looking to pull VDI data from multiple Orgs in to Graphana. Things like CPU, RAM, logon times, etc. Started looking at this: https://api.controlup.io/reference/how-to-make-api-requests
Any more good reference material?
You started in the right place…
So our VDI & DaaS APIs are based of our historical data.
Can you share some more details on what you are planning to build?
We are also working on some new MSP dashboards btw
Does that work as a reference?
It accounts for hitting the rate limit (which you’re unlikely to hit), it has retries.
It just exports the session activity to a CSV file. idk how Grafa likes its data.
put your API key on line 2. Or store it in a file in F:\My Drive\Scripts2.0\Powershell__Streaming templates\new_api_key 😉
we host Infrastructure as a service for VDI to 60 clients. as we make changes and improvements to the infrastructure, we want to monitor end user impact. We used to use vROPS but migrated to ControlUp a few years ago. As we wait on the MSP dashboard, we are looking to leverage a mature graphana setup and pull in data from multiple orgs
Got it. And you are talking to the relevant PM already re the msp dashboard? I’m sure he would love to get your insights
Might also want to cross post this into #
yes i am and am on the Beta for the MSP portal. I’m new to APIs ( i recently learned how to spell API 😉 ), so this is more of an API topic than an MSP topic.
@member is there a need to specify the ORG ID anywhere?
early testing seems to work, other than this error:
Exception setting "SecurityProtocol": "The requested security protocol is not supported."
Where do you get that message?
when running the powershell script Dennis provided
“`$AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]’Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12′
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols“`
you can delete different versions off of the list. idk if that means the protocol is too old or too new 😄
org ID is determined by the API key. As in the API key contains a bunch of data, one of which is the org ID
You’d generate API keys for each of your orgs and for-each through them
thx, I generated the API and wasn’t sure if the org ID was needed anywhere.
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