The use of x11vnc for remote control on Linux devices is discussed. The team members mention that the requirement has always been present and that it is necessary to have outbound communication. The script for x11vnc installation is provided and there is also a link to the documentation.
Read the entire ‘Using x11vnc for Remote Control on Linux within ControlUp’ thread below:
Good day
for Linux , must x11vnc be installed to be able to remote ?
Yes sir
When was this a requirement ? @member
I think always?
and if we block all VNC products and ports ?
@member @member can chime in. We use websockets for remote control, so ports should be fine, but someone else needs to chime in on the technicalities
Please , and thank you @member
I mean, you obviously still need outbound comms
The VNC Ports will only listen on the loopback ip
and all the communication goes through the https connection to the tenant initiated from the device
@member owns remote control so I’m sure he can share more details about it
Hi @member
When we launch a remote control session, The agent is opening a websocket connection back to the tenant in which the traffic is then proxied to the Browser VNC Client. Regarding Linux Devices – Yes we are using the x11vnc binary, and we connect that to the WebSocket.
Let me know if you need any additional information and I can get back to you asap.
@member hi , thank you for the reply ,do you perhaps know of a script to install the x11vnc ?
Also are there any white papers on this from Controlup or URL ? As said earlier we block all apps that have to do with VNC so I’ll have to get our Security team check this also
I just use
sudo apt-get -y install x11vnc
Probably not hard to turn that into a script. Obviously it will depend on Linux flavor
@member do you know if any of this is documented?
Is that all ? 😅
No need for lightdm ?
I think that should be all, but you’d need to test.
Thank you
, will test on a few engineers devices
It’s documented as a prerequisite –
Thank you
Will start testing in the morning
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