A user had a script they were using in EDGE DX that was not showing tree view data of their C drive, so they outputted the data directly in the script and in SIP Begins and Ends but this did not work. The user changed the script to output data to a text file and it worked. They then asked if this data format could be used in data files, and while this is a plan for the future, they were just trying to view the data.
Read the entire ‘Viewing Tree View Data of C Drive in EDGE DX’ thread below:
Good day
Hope all are well
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my script ?
Using it in EDGE DX
want to see the tree view of C drive on the device , with the folder sizes
Tried, outputting the data directly in the script and in SIP Begins and ENDS
but the data just doenst want to show in Device Events under EDGE DX
i then change the script to outoput the data into text file on the C drive and then read the text file and then output the data but still not allowing me to see the data in EDGE DX
Text file works perfectly
think i found my issue , testing now
This looks very interesting 🙂 Does this translate to a usable format in the data files?
at this moment , im not writing the data to data index , that is the plan later , for now i was just looking at seeing the data 🙂
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