The user asked what automated actions people use for CVAD Environments and shared some of their go-tos. These included checking session state, trimming processes, adjustingpriority, and rescaling based on RAM. Another user shared their top AA use cases and suggested adding additional Automated Script based actions.
Read the entire ‘What Automated Actions To Use For CVAD Environments?’ thread below:
Hey what are some must have triggers/automated actions ya’ll use for your CVAD environments? Here’s what I have setup currently but looking for other ideas.
the community trigger where you run ald if logon is >xx seconds and send output in email is also quite popular.
These run all the time in my environment…. AAS_Session State -Disconnected…..Trim Process Working Sets……Adjust Process Priority based on Session State
I got this one from of my colleagues that I thought was very informational and interesting that these are the top AA use cases.
a fairly simple one but effective is this one. We obviously scale our servers but since our customers sometimes log on only during a short period in a month Insights or Solve not always reflects when a system is outscaled. Most of the time in our situation RAM is a bottleneck so we created this simple trigger to alert our support that a system has to be rescaled. next step is linking this trigger to our automation system but we are not there yet . The numbers we use are based on our baseline and can be different for other organisations.
Same here I have also configured these triggers in our environment. However looking at your list of Automated Script based actions I am considering to add more for our environment.
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