The user asked where AppVolumes and FSlogix fall in the Logon Time Counters. The answer is "Logon Duration – Other" – as the ControlUp counters detect the duration of the standard Microsoft events. FSLogix has a phase "LoadProfile" and "ShellStart" which ControlUp tracks in ALD, while AppVolumes has similar hooks, though they may cause logon blocking due to executing scripts.
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Where would Appvolumes and FSlogix fall under for the Logon Time Counters? I am pretty sure they are under Desktop Load Time or Logon Duration Other, but which goes where?
Pinging @member on this as he Mr. Login Duration.
With regards to FSLogix and AppVolumes both will fall under "Logon Duration – Other"
This is because the ControlUp counters detect the duration of the standard Microsoft events for these parts of the logon process. FSLogix and VMware for AppVolumes could have tied their technology to be dependent on these parts of the logon process and execute during those phases (Citrix did so with the User Profile Manager service) but I think there are limitations in doing so. Instead they register their software to the various parts of the logon process which get executed outside the standard stuff ControlUp tracks.
FSLogix has a phase "LoadProfile" we track in ALD which is the time to mount profile containers, the other phase "ShellStart" is when the Office container is mounted. We track both in ALD but not out of the box with ControlUp
AppVolumes has similar hooks to both phases that I could see. AppVolumes also adds a bit of a wrinkle that it will start asynchronous execution of scripts and stuff tied to the AppVolume packages which don’t block logons but I think it holds up the logon process until they are complete at the ShellStart stage. This is from my memory so this may have changed though
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